Monday, April 16, 2012

macbeth test

1.Macbeth won the respect of King Duncan by A. slaying the traitor Macdonwald. B. serving as a gracious host for his king. C. not pleading for advancement.
 2. King Duncan rewarded Macbeth by dubbing him A. the Earl of Sinel. B. the Thane of Cawdor him. C. Bellona's bridegroom.
 3. In addressing Banquo, the witches called him which of these? "Lesser than Macbeth, and greater." (I) "Not so happy as Macbeth, yet much happier." (II) "A future father of kings." (III) A. I and II B. I and III C. I, II, and III
 4. When Macbeth said, "Two truths are told / As happy prologues" he was referring to A. his titles of Glamis and Cawdor. B. the victories against the kerns and gallowglasses. C. the predictions made to Banquo and to himself.
 5. "Nothing in his life / Became him like the leaving it" is a reference to A. the traitorous Thane of Cawdor. B. Banquo's son, Fleance. C. Duncan's son, Donalbain.
 6. Duncan's statement, "I have begun to plant thee and will labour / To make thee full of growing" is an example of A. a simile. B. a metaphor. C. personification.
 7. Lady Macbeth characterizes her husband as being A. "the glass of fashion and the mould of form." B. "too full of the milk of human kindness." C. "a cannon overcharg'd with a double crack."
 8. When Macbeth agonizes over the possible killing of the king, which of these does he say? "He is my house guest; I should protect him." (I) "Duncan's virtues will "plead like angels" " (II) "I am his kinsman and his subject" (III) A. I and III B. II and III C. I, II, and III
 9. Macbeth's statement to his wife, "Bring forth men-children only" signifies that he A. is proud of his wife's transformation. B. is concerned over the succession to the throne. C. has accepted the challenge to slay the king.
 10. As part of the plan to kill the king, Lady Macbeth would A. get the chamberlains drunk. B. smear Duncan's face with blood. C. arrange an alibi for Macbeth.
 11. Trace Macbeth's transformation from a good man to an evil man. First, give evidence to prove that Macbeth is a good man at the beginning of the play. The strongest evidence is to be found in the way other people think of him. In Act I, Scene ii his courage is highly praised. The bloody soldier obviously admires his captain, and Duncan is moved when he is told of Macbeth's exploits. Quote the references to "brave Macbeth" and "noble Macbeth."
 12. What motivates Macbeth to take the evil path he chooses? Macbeth is motivated by his ambition to be king. Show how that motivation is first revealed and how it operates throughout the play. Examine how Macbeth responds to the witches' prophecy that he will be king. Quote Banquo's references to Macbeth's being "rapt." Contrast Macbeth's reaction with Banquo's, demonstrating that Macbeth has a powerful desire to possess the crown.
13. What influence do the witches have on Macbeth? The point here is to investigate both the nature of the witches' power over Macbeth and the limits of that power. The section on the witches in the "Characters" section of this guide will help you.
14. Contrast Macbeth's response to the witches' predictions with Banquo's. What you are really contrasting is how two different people respond to temptation. There are two parts to their responses: how they respond immediately, and what they do as a consequence.
15. Describe the relationship between Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. Trace how it changes over the course of the play. At the beginning, they treat each other as equals. They have great concern for each other. He races to tell her the news about the witches; she immediately begins plotting how to gain her husband his heart's desire. Show how the murder of Duncan is a product of teamwork.
 1. "Art thou not, fatal vision, sensible / To feeling as to sight?" is a reference to the A. ghost of Banquo. B. dagger. C. bubbling cauldron.
 2. Lady Macbeth confessed that she would have killed King Duncan herself except for the fact that A. she couldn't gain easy access to his bedchamber B. he looked like her father C. one of Duncan's guards spied her on the to stairway
 3. Shakespeare introduced the Porter in order to A. allow Macduff to gain admission to the castle. B. remind the audience of the Witches' prophecies. C. provide comic relief.
 4. Malcolm and Donalbain flee after the murder A. because they fear the daggers in men's smiles. B. in order to join Macduff in England. C. lest they be blamed for it.
 5. Macbeth arranges for Banquo's death by telling the hired killers that A. Banquo had thwarted their careers. B. if they fail, they will pay with their own lives. C. he will eradicate all records of their previous crimes.
 6. Macbeth startles his dinner guests by A. conversing with the Ghost of Banquo B. attempting to wash the blood from his hands C. saying to Lady Macbeth that, "Murder will out."
 7. The Witches threw into the cauldron "Eye of bat and tongue of frog"(I) "Wool of bat and tongue of dog" (II) "Fang of snake and eagle's glare" (III) A. I and II B. I and III C. II and III
 8. The three apparitions which appeared to Macbeth were An armed head. (I) A child with a crown. (II) A bloody child (III) A. I and II B. II and III C. I, II, and III
 9. In Act IV, Malcolm is at first lukewarm toward Macduff because he A. wasn't prepared to overthrow Macbeth. B. suspects a trick. C. wasn't worthy of becoming king, in his opinion.
 10. Birnam Wood comes to Dunsinane when A. the witches rendezvous with Macbeth. B. the camouflaged soldiers make their advance. C. Lady Macbeth convinces her husband to stand and fight.
 11. What is the significance of the line "Fair is foul, and foul is fair" (I, i, 10)? This line in the first scene tips us off that things will not be what they appear to be. Often, they will be just the opposite. This is a major motif in the play, and examples are numerous. Cite several. Point out that Macbeth's first line echoes almost exactly the witches' chant: "So foul and fair a day I have not seen." When the witches appear and tell Macbeth he will be king, Banquo asks why he seems afraid of things that "sound so fair?" We will learn that the "fair" news is actually foul. Macbeth will become king, and in doing so he will commit himself to a path of evil which will mean his death, and ironically, Banquo's. Choose several other examples and treat them the same way. You may want to focus on Lady Macbeth's instructions to her husband in Act I, Scene v, to "look like th' innocent flower, / But be the serpent undert" (lines 66-67). In other words, "look fair to cover your foul intentions." Show how she does exactly that when she greets Duncan and his party in the next scene. Other examples you can use are pointed out in the "Themes" section and the scene-by-scene analysis. You can also show how Macbeth's sense of good and evil is so corrupted that by the end "foul" and "fair" are indistinguishable to him.
12. How does Macbeth function as a morality play? Morality plays taught simple moral lessons. They depicted the struggle between the forces of good and evil to possess men's souls. The story of Macbeth is a warning to anybody who considers trying to get what he wants by doing something he knows is wrong. It cautions us that the most appealing temptations are often the most horrible traps. To show how the play gets that message across, chart how Macbeth is destroyed by giving in to temptation. Macbeth is hoodwinked by the witches, As you did in Question 3 of Test 1, list the things they tell him. Describe, how each prediction is like a delicious-looking apple which is actually poisoned. Read the scene-by-scene analysis for Act III, Scene v, for a discussion of how the witches give Macbeth a false sense of security. Security was a major theme of morality plays. The play also makes it clear that Macbeth is destroyed because evil is like a disease. Once you let it into your system, it will eat away at your insides until it kills you. Show how each murder necessitates another, and how none of the killings makes Macbeth feel any better.
13. How does Shakespeare use the technique of dramatic irony in Macbeth? Remember that dramatic irony is present when the audience knows something the characters, or some of the characters, do not. When Duncan and his party arrive at Macbeth's castle, they are unaware of the wicked plans that are being made. Their lighthearted, joking mood is ironic to us, because we know what they are really walking into. The scene-by-scene analysis for Act I, Scene vi, details the use of dramatic irony in this scene. Dramatic irony enriches the last act of the play. Macbeth has become a monster, but he's also become a pathetic figure. His desperation is obvious. Ten thousand troops are on their way to overthrow him; his own troops are deserting. And he places his confidence in the weird sisters-the hags whose suggestion that he would be king got him into this mess! We can see that he is doomed, but he cannot. He fights on, talking about his "charmed life." His failure (or refusal) to see what is obvious to us makes the end of the play much more powerful than it would be otherwise. Give several other examples of dramatic irony. You might use the scene after Duncan's murder, beginning with Macduff's entrance and continuing through the discovery of the crime. Find other examples.
14. How does Lady Macbeth overcome her husband's resistance to the idea of killing King Duncan? Lady Macbeth's resolution stands out in sharp contrast to Macbeth's wavering. One way she overcomes him is through sheer determination. Find several quotes from Act I, Scene vii, in which she makes him feel the strength of her determination. (Look at lines 54-59, for example.) She is not above insulting her husband to rouse him to action. Since she is his wife, her comments which question his manhood have an added kick. Finally, she neutralizes his fears with her practicality. After the murder she says, "'Tis the eye of childhood / That fears a painted devil" (Act II, Scene ii, lines 54-55). Find other ways in which she attempts to quiet his over-active imagination, or his visions.
15. Contrast Macduff's response to the news of his wife's and children's deaths with Macbeth's response to being told Lady Macbeth is dead The essential contrast is between a good, righteous man and a morally bankrupt one. Each man's response can be divided into three parts: 1. hearing the news; 2. accepting the news, and 3. what he does after. Examine the three stages for both men. Contrast how Macduff, who is virtuous, cannot believe the news at first. Once he accepts it, he feels the pain sharply. Macbeth, on the other hand, seems unsurprised and it is hard to tell if he feels any pain; life is meaningless, he says quickly, and everybody dies. Show the direction Macduff takes (a quest for righteous revenge). Compare it with the final, desperate, suicidal stand taken by Macbeth. Conclude by pointing out what we learn about the soul- destroying nature of evil by contrasting the two responses.

 None of these answers are mine, you said to research and I did, found all the answers on pink monkey. It's not cheating its collaborating.

Monday, April 2, 2012


-by William Shakespeare in 1605-1606

-brutal, cynical, evil plot

-Holinshed's Chromicles of Scottish --History

-please King James I

-King James I wrote Demonolgy
written in 1599

-"Double, double, toil and trouble"

-Act a man-kill people

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Top 3

Top 3 in no particular order.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Literature Analysis

Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller 

1) The story takes place in a neighborhood in Brooklyn, New York. It is about an  aged business man named Willy Loman who is failing, or at least struggling very deeply, with his job and his family alike. He has two boys, Biff and Happy Lowman, and a wife named Linda. The play also reveals that he has a few hidden things in his secretive "work life." He has a mistress. He sees her every once in a while he is "out for business." At the end of the novel, Willy commits suicide. 

2)The major theme in the novel Death of a Salesman in the pursuit of success. It all about Willy and his struggle to come out on top and his desire to be like his brother (a successful man) and to have his children also prosper. There is also an underlying theme in the novel which is about family. The lack of respect that is demonstrated in between the men in the family is combated with the love and hope that Willy has for his children. It seems as though Willy doesnt seem to like his kids very much but he wants them to succeed and to not follow in his footsteps of failure. 

3)The tone in Death of a Salesman is a over exhausted and frustrated one (due to Willy's attitude and how dominant it is in the story.) It does go both ways though, For example

  •  BIFF: "Will you let me go, for Christ's sake? Will you take that phony dream and burn it before something happens? " 
  • BIFF: "Pop, I'm a dime a dozen and so are you..."
WILLY: "A hundred and twenty dolalrs! My God, if business doesn't pick up I don't know what i'm gonna do!"

4) Literary Techniques were abundantly used in the novel. The use of flashbacks really help demonstrate the ideas of Willy's past and how much they effect his modern day life. Metaphors and similes are also used to shed a light onto an underlying meaning in Miller's writing style. The diction and syntax also play a huge part in the story. The way that Willy and his family speak among each other illustrates the theme of family and the frustrations that come along with the territory.  

Friday, March 9, 2012


Chunking is when one uses memory devices to help memorize certain things. One does this with things like phone numbers, addresses, etc. It makes it a lot easier to memorize it in its parts as opposed to memorizing it entirely at once. A good way to memorize the nine parts would be to use a pneumonic device.