Wednesday, October 19, 2011

In Search Of

a)What new information did you learn from the video?
There wasn't too much new information that i learned from that video. I knew most of it, especially the thing about the Algorithms and how much companies like Google use them. 
b)How does this information make you think differently about what you see online?
It makes me realize that not everything is the actual "truth." It's kind of a scary thought to know that there is really no way to get around it, other than using inferior search engines that don't use algorithms. Iv'e really just come to accept it (as sad as that sounds.)
c)What questions does this video raise about the Internet in general?
It raises the question of how much of the internet is real, and how much of it is tailored to our interests. It's, as previously stated, a scary thought. 
d)How can you improve the effectiveness of your searches?
Being more precise in my searches could really help out my overall effectiveness. And using the sites that dont use algorithms that tailor results to you personal preferences, like dogpile, etc. 

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